It was a great weekend in Canton as two Steelers Greats were elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame!
Dermonti Dawson who in the immortal words of Myron Cope “was the all world, all everything Center for the Pittsburgh Steelers” had the unenviable task of filling the shoes of Mike Webster the Steelers Hall of Famer! Dawson did it and he anchored the position for 13 seasons yielding seven pro bowl appearances. He was an ironman playing 16 games in ten straight seasons and absolutely ran people over pulling from the Center spot. I am very happy to have seen him play his whole career. Dawson’s praise for Mike Webster, was the best highlight of his moving speech.
He also shared his mantra; “Do everything with a purpose, Live, act, play and work with a purpose, with a passion and more importantly with honor!”
I never saw Jack Butler play, after reading up on him, I wish I did. He played with discipline and had an incredible work ethic. Above all he was the best DB on some down trodden Steeler teams.
Butler can claim to be one of three players in the history of the league with four interceptions returned for a touchdown and four receiving touchdowns. He was named to four Pro Bowls and had 52 Interceptions when he retired!
He was a ferocious hitter and gave a very memorable albeit short speach.
“I was also fortunate enough to play in the great city of champions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,” said Butler during his speech.
Coming up next Four Steeler greats retire as Steelers!
August 29th, 2012 at 5:19 am
Valuable info. Loved the way you wrote this. GO STEELERS